
Church Collections

In response to the many queries we have received about Church collections we are listing the parish account details below. If you are making a donation directly to the parish through the Bank please put your name and address in the reference box. Your support for the Parish is greatly appreciated.

Bennekerry Parish Account details

Bank Name and Address: AIB Bank, Tullow Street, Carlow

Name of Account: Bennekerry Parish. BIC AIBKIE2D

IBAN: IE25AIBK93310401334017

Askea Parish Bank Account details

Bank Name and Address: Bank of Ireland, Shamrock Plaza, Carlow

Name of Account: Askea Parish. BIC BOFIIE2D

IBAN: IE78BOFI90653118867569

Tinryland Parish Bank Account details

Bank Name and Address: AIB Bank, Tullow Street, Carlow

Name of Account: Bennekerry Parish. BIC AIBKIE2D

IBAN IE57 AIBK 9331 0435 0360 91 (BIC A IB K IE 2D

Sincere thanks to all those who have contributed to the Parishes.  Your support is greatly appreciated.

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